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2024-05-13 00:24:16

Kämpfe um ukrainische Grenzstadt Wowtschansk
Die Kämpfe in den Grenzdörfern der Region Charkiw konzentrieren sich nach ukrainischen Angaben nun auch auf Wowtschansk. Die russischen Streitkräfte hätten "ihren Beschuss von Wowtschansk verstärkt", sagte der Gouverneur der Region Charkiw, Oleh Synehubow. Fast 6.000 Einwohner seien aus dem Gebiet evakuiert worden.
Mehrere russische Medien berichten, rus…
2024-02-14 01:16:29

Lmao, only App Store review can protect you from watching free, pirated movies
2024-04-13 19:40:22

In which I brush up and release (0.5.0) the “topfew” program I built back in 2021/22 and have been neglecting, but noticed that I was using it all the time so maybe others will too:


Finds the field values (or combinations of values) which appear most often in a stream of records.

Topics: go  logging

Resources:  Readme
License:  GPL-3.0 license
Stars:  113 stars
Watchers:  5 watching
Forks:  3 forks

Releases: 1

Contributors: 2

timbray Tim Bray
superfell Simon Fell


Go 98.9%
Makefile 1.1%
2024-04-13 19:40:22

In which I brush up and release (0.5.0) the “topfew” program I built back in 2021/22 and have been neglecting, but noticed that I was using it all the time so maybe others will too:


Finds the field values (or combinations of values) which appear most often in a stream of records.

Topics: go  logging

Resources:  Readme
License:  GPL-3.0 license
Stars:  113 stars
Watchers:  5 watching
Forks:  3 forks

Releases: 1

Contributors: 2

timbray Tim Bray
superfell Simon Fell


Go 98.9%
Makefile 1.1%
2024-05-13 08:09:01

Kiew räumt taktische Erfolge russischer Truppen ein
Das russische Militär kommt bei seiner neuen Offensive im nordostukrainischen Gebiet Charkiw nach Angaben Kiews voran. "Derzeit hat der Feind taktischen Erfolg", teilte der ukrainische Generalstab in seinem Lagebericht in der Nacht zum Montag mit.
Nach der Einnahme mehrerer Grenzdörfer laufen nach Angaben des Generalstabs aktuell Kämpfe um die Stadt Wowtschansk, gut fünf Ki…
2024-05-09 01:56:45

spider movie
continuing my spider-movie-watching with ICE SPIDERS (2007). oof this is dreadful already
2024-03-10 19:50:13

At this point, I am watching these videos just for the comments. The amount of mutual accusations of "copium" between the two warring parties is going critical 😄 The revolution is near. The poors are restless. Or maybe they just haven't tried eating cake ->
We Were Wrong About AMD...
2024-05-10 18:34:08

Trying to will myself to finish watching the #Bond movie License To Kill.
Make it stop! Make it stop!
2024-05-11 11:26:14

Some impressions of the first wave after sunset. Meanwhile everybody is oversaturated with pictures, but maybe I'll try again the coming night. The ghostly feeling, while just watching these things is addictive.

A curtain of purple polar light with a greenish base layer and the  ridiculously overexposed 9% Moon over the dark grass of a meadow in southern Germany.
2024-03-10 04:59:50

Cowboys Give WR Michael Gallup Permission To Seek Trade